Tag: the switch

  • New on Netflix: Friends With Kids, Compliance, Mad Men

    New on Netflix: Friends With Kids, Compliance, Mad Men

    New on Netflix is a panoply of films and TV shows for all ages, including Compliance, 101 Dalmatians, The Switch, and the Netflix original House of Cards.

  • The Switch: Is Jennifer Aniston Doing Mom Movies Now?

    The Switch: Is Jennifer Aniston Doing Mom Movies Now?

    I must admit, I’d totally forgotten about ‘The Switch’ until my Click Communications buddy Jackie Cavanagh emailed to see if I wanted a review copy (why yes, I would – thanks, Jackie!). Look, the past few Jennifer Aniston movies have all blended together, haven’t they? It’s like one long movie that comes back to theaters…

  • Review: The Switch

    Movie: ‘The Switch’ In Theaters: Aug. 20, 2010 Director: Josh Gordon Runtime: 101 min. MPAA Rating: PG-13 for mature thematic content, sexual material including dialogue, some nudity, drug use and language Gecko Rating: I don’t know if Jennifer Aniston intentionally plays the same character in every movie, but it certainly seems that way. Oh, there…

  • New Movie Friday: Lottery Ticket, Nanny McPhee Returns, Piranha 3D, The Switch, and Vampires Suck

    Here’s the rundown of what’s new in theaters this week – everything from nippy little piranhas (in 3D!) to a ‘Twilight’ parody to the return of a wise nanny who shows up at just the right time. ‘Nanny McPhee Returns’ (PG for rude humor, some language and mild thematic elements). You never know about sequels,…
