Tag: the place beyond the pines
Eva Mendes Talks Ryan Gosling Chemistry, Playing Against Type & Aging on Film in Place Beyond the Pines
Paula Schwartz caught up with Eva Mendes, who discussed playing against type, aging on film, and on-screen chemistry with real-life love Ryan Gosling in The Place Beyond the Pines.
Ryan Gosling, Director Derek Cianfrance Talk The Place Beyond the Pines
Derek Cianfrance knew it was kismet when he asked Ryan Gosling how he’d rob a bank. I’d do it on a motorcycle and drive into a U-Haul 4 blocks away, said the star.
The Place Beyond the Pines UK Poster is Very Blue
The U.K. poster for The Place Beyond the Pines has the same Edward Hopper Nighthawks feel to it as the U.S. poster, only more blue.
Trailer Talk: The Place Beyond the Pines with Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper
The Place Beyond the Pines doesn’t open in theaters until March 29, 2013, but it’s already generating buzz from a Toronto Film Festival Screening in September.
The Toronto International Film Festival is Over … and the Big Winner is Bradley Cooper
Who scored big at the Toronto International Film Festival? Melanie Votaw wraps up the fest and discovers that Bradley Cooper and his films, The Silver Linings Playbook and The Place Beyond the Pines, garnered lots of buzz.
20 Reasons Bradley Cooper is the Right Choice for Sexiest Man Alive
Got a problem with Bradley Cooper as People Magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive 2011? You need to read this, my friend. It will change your life. Or at least your view of the guy who’s more than just a pretty face.