Tag: secretariat

  • Secretariat on DVD/Blu-Ray: One of My Favorite Family Movies of 2010

    One of my favorite family movies last year is ‘Secretariat,’ the Disney film about the famed race horse who won the 1973 Triple Crown, and his owner Penny Chenery, played by Diane Lane. And I’m not alone. Roger Ebert called it “one of the year’s best films,” and Pete Hammond of Boxoffice Magazine said, “It’s…

  • Reel Life With Jane’s Top 10 Family Movies of 2010

    Are family movies becoming extinct? Is it worth plopping down $50+ to take my kids to the theater? Will I cringe and cover their eyes during parts of the movie? These are questions I get all the time, and frankly, the answers vary from week to week. It really does seem like filmmakers churn out…

  • Family Movie Review: Secretariat

    Movie: ‘Secretariat’ In Theaters: Oct. 8, 2010 Director: Randall Wallace Runtime: 116 minutes MPAA Rating: PG for brief mild language Gecko Rating: When I first heard about ‘Secretariat,’ I wasn’t expecting much. Haven’t we seen this story a million times before? Wouldn’t it just be 2003’s ‘Seabiscuit,’ only with different names and faces in a…

  • New Movie Friday! Secretariat, Life As We Know It, My Soul To Take – Watch the Trailers

    I’ve heard nothing but bad things about ‘Life As We Know It,’ but of course, I’ll check it out and report back to you, dear readers. Don’t get your hopes up, though. Also new in theaters today is a horse movie (Sea Biscuit? No, Secretariat) and a scary thriller about a dead serial killer. Here’s…
