Tag: joshua bowman
Revenge Recap: Addiction – 3×17
Kimberly Strand recaps this week’s episode of “Revenge,” in which the letters “TWM” play heavily into the storyline.
Revenge Recap: Struggle – 3×15
Kimberly Strand recaps this week’s episode of “Revenge,” in which Emily is still having blackouts and threatening to “kill them all!”
Revenge Recap: Hatred – 3×13
Kimberly Strand recaps this week’s episode of “Revenge,” which leaves us with a bit of a shocker until the show returns on March 9, 2014.
Revenge Recap: Homecoming – 3×11
Kimberly Strand recaps this week’s episode of “Revenge,” in which we learn whether Emily has amnesia or not.
Revenge Recap: Exodus – 3×10
Kimberly Strand recaps this week’s episode of “Revenge,” and says she’s a little disappointed with the wedding.
Revenge Recap: Surrender – 3×9
Kimberly Strand recaps this week’s episode of “Revenge.” Only one more week until the big wedding!
Revenge Recap: Secrecy – 3×8
Kimberly Strand recaps this week’s episode of “Revenge,” in which Emily learns about a secret apartment used by the Grayson men.
Revenge Recap: Resurgence – 3×7
Kimberly Strand recaps this week’s episode of “Revenge,” in which things continue to get more complicated as the wedding day nears.
Revenge Recap: Dissolution – 3×6
Kimberly Strand recaps this week’s episode of “Revenge,” in which she ponders whether Daniel and Sarah will get back together.
Revenge Recap: Control – 3×5
Kimberly Strand recaps this week’s episode of “Revenge,” in which Patrick and Nolan reconnect and shocking news about the brakes sabotage is revealed.
Revenge Recap: Mercy – 3×4
Kimberly Strand recaps this week’s episode of “Revenge,” in which Emily tells Jack she doesn’t want him at the wedding.
Revenge Recap: Confession – 3×3
Kimberly Strand recaps this week’s episode of “Revenge,” in which someone dies in a fiery car crash and life in the Hamptons gets even more intense.