Tag: j. michael straczynski
Rod Serling’s ‘Night Gallery’ Is Getting a TV Reboot and John Noble Should Host
The classic TV horror show “Night Gallery” is getting a reboot, and Jane thinks John Noble should host.
Netflix Original Series ‘Sense8’ Character Videos are Sense8tional!
If you’ll be tuning into new Netflix Original Series “Sense8” for J. Michael Straczynski, check out the character videos for some extra enthusiasm.
Review: ‘Ninja Assassin’
Movie: ‘Ninja Assassin’ On DVD: March 16, 2010 Director: James McTeigue MPAA Rating: R for strong bloody stylized violence throughout, and language Buy It: On DVD or Blu-ray Gecko Rating: The best thing about ‘Ninja Assassin’ is the stylized fight scenes. The worst thing about ‘Ninja Assassin’ is the stylized fight scenes. The fight scenes…