Tag: inception

  • Review: Inception

    Movie: ‘Inception’   In Theaters: July 16, 2010 Director: Christopher Nolan  Runtime: 148 min. MPAA Rating: PG-13 for sequences of violence and action throughout   Gecko Rating: I’m late to the ‘Inception’ review game – the movie was released in theaters a month ago –and I think it’s because I just really didn’t know what to write…

  • Will Inception Be Too Smart for Moviegoers?

    I ran the trailer for ‘Inception’ a couple weeks ago – check it out here – and have to say this movie is creating some serious buzz. Can’t wait to see it in theaters this Friday. It’s got a sci-fi dream-invasion storyline and a killer cast that includes Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Ellen Page, Tom…

  • ‘Inception’ – The Best Movie of 2010?

    Could ‘Inception’ be the best movie of 2010? I’ll go out on a limb and put it right at the top of the list. We’ll see when the movie hits theaters July 16, 2010. For one thing, it’s got Chris Nolan as director. Sure, he’d done lots of movies prior to ‘The Dark Knight,’ but…
