Tag: dance
So You Think You Can Dance: Season 11 – 11×4
“So You Think You Can Dance” makes its final audition stop in Hotlanta, where we see lots of hip-hop and a sprinkling of attitude. Renée Camus explains.
So You Think You Can Dance Recap: Season 11 – 11×2
“So You Think You Can Dance” goes from freezing Chicago to toasty Los Angeles for its 2nd audition episode, but all the dancing sizzles. Renée Camus recaps.
So You Think You Can Dance Recap: Season 11 – 11×1
“So You Think You Can Dance” hick-kicks off Season 11 with a very impressive start, as we see the first several auditions in Chicago and New Orleans. Renée Camus recaps.
Dance and Romance in Austenland: Nostalgia For Days That Weren’t
After watching “Austenland,” Renee Camus ponders dance, fantasy and romance, and reflects on her days of dance reenacting.
Behind the Scenes: How Do Life Events Affect an Acting Career?
This week, Michelle Shyman examines how major life events affected the career paths of some of her friends, including marriage, money and the death of a spouse.
Behind the Scenes: Does Every Actress Want to Hit the Big Time?
This week, Michelle Shyman discusses some of her actress friends and the choices they’ve made about their art, craft and career.
Behind the Scenes: Does Every Actor Want to Hit the Big Time?
Does every actor want to hit the big time? Or are most happy with paying the rent and keeping the kids fed? Michelle Shyman polled a few of her actor friends.
Best Dance Scenes in Movies: Silver Linings Playbook, Dirty Dancing, Flashdance & More
Jane rounds up some of the best dance scenes in movies, from “Footloose” to “Silver Linings Playbook.” Add your own and she’ll keep building the list!
Dance Moms Was My Life
Think things get tense on Dance Moms? Try living it. Melanie Votaw remembers how much her childhood was like the Lifetime TV show.