Tag: buffy the vampire slayer
Top 5 Financially Responsible Movie and TV Characters
Think everyone on TV and in the movies is a money slacker? Here’s our Top 5 Financially Responsible Movie and TV characters.
Interview: Nathan Fillion on Playing Hal Jordan in Green Lantern: Emerald Knights
I’m not really a comic-book girl. I bought a ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ comic book last year and just didn’t see the attraction. Then they came out with a motion-comic DVD of ‘Buffy Season 8,’ and my daughter and I still didn’t see the attraction. It just made us want to watch the real show…
Joss Whedon Turned Down Buffy Reboot
The Interwebs were all ablaze with fury last Thursday at news that Warner Bros., Vertigo Entertainment, and Atlas Entertainment are planning a new ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ film without Joss Whedon, head honcho of the 1992 film (which I hated) and 1997-2003 TV series (which I loved). Even Whedon stirred things up by advising fans…
Five Awful Things About the ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ Movie
I finally watched the 1992 ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ movie, and I’m really sorry I did. It’s just an awful movie, so awful that it made me want to watch the entire TV series again to try and erase the memory of this movie from my brain. Until then, let’s recap some of the awful…