Amy Lindsay, Porn Star, Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz Hires Porn Star Amy Lindsay, #TrumpNation Wants Her

Ted Cruz apparently hired a porn star named Amy Lindsay for one of his ads. Well, ok, not REALLY Ted Cruz, but the production company that created the ad.

But #TrumpNation is vying for her attention. More on that later.

Anyway, the ad totally backfired and was unceremoniously yanked off the air. The negative ad fired off a few shots at rival Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla. It featured seven people sitting in a circle. They were in therapy, talking about their past ballot box regrets.

Ted Cruz Hires Porn Star Amy Lindsay for Ad

“Has anyone else here struggled with being lied to?” the group’s leader asks.

One of the group said, “Well, I voted for a guy who was a tea party hero on the campaign trail. Then he went to D.C. and played patty-cake with Chuck Schumer and cut a deal on amnesty.”

A woman suggested, “Maybe you should vote for more than just a pretty face next time.” Ouch.

Cruz appeared at the end of the ad, with the usual political disclaimer: “I’m Ted Cruz, and I approved this message.”

Surprise! Turns out he probably shouldn’t have approved that particular ad. Amy Lindsay, the actress warning about voting for a “pretty face,” is known for her roles in porn films. Ok, “softcore porn.” See below for the difference.

In a telephone interview with The Washington Post, Lindsay was a good sport about Cruz’s team yanking the ad.

“I didn’t want to hurt the Ted Cruz campaign,” she said. “Everyone is trying to tear down Ted Cruz.”

On Twitter, however, she gave a different story. She declared that she was “extremely disappointed” that the ad was pulled.

The Cruz team stood behind the decision.

“The actress responded to an open casting call,” Cruz spokesman Catherine Frazier told the New York Times. “She passed her audition and got the job. Unfortunately, she was not vetted by the casting company. Had the campaign known of her full filmography, we obviously would not have let her appear in the ad. The campaign is taking the ad down and will replace it with a different commercial.”

Ted Cruz
Ted Cruz, Republican Presidential Hopeful

To be fair, Lindsay has other roles to her credit besides porn. Besides her roles in porn films like “Beverly Hills Bordello” and “MILF,” she appeared in an episode of “Star Trek: Voyager,” for instance. Later this year, she’ll be traveling the globe for the 50th anniversary of “Star Trek.” Because I guess one episode gets you in with the “Star Trek” conventions. I dunno.

“I’m just an actress in Los Angeles doing what I’m doing,” she said. “Going up against 400 actresses to do a job.”

She added: “You guys have all painted me as this big porn star, which I am not.”

Lindsay stressed that she’s never had sex on camera. Also, she’s only appeared in R-rated films — not X-rated films. She was, however, known as “the poor man’s Shannon Tweed” at one time. Shannon is perhaps the most well-known softcore actress of the 20th century.

“I didn’t cross a certain line,” she said. “Porn to me is penetration — having sex. It’s something entering you on camera.”

Amy Lindsay, Porn Star, Ted Cruz
Ted Cruz hired porn star Amy Lindsay for an ad

She’s not the only porn star – ok, softcore porn star – in the political arena. Jenna Jameson, among the industry’s most successful performers, backed Mitt Romney in 2012. She’s casting her ballot for Rubio this time around.

“I’m very looking forward to a Republican being back in office,” Jameson said in 2012. “When you’re rich, you want a Republican in office.”

Rumor has it that Cruz is no stranger to porn. He, ahem, had to watch some while clerking for Supreme Court Justice William Rehnquist. The bench was pondering a law regulating porn online.

“A slew of hard-core, explicit images showed up onscreen,” he wrote in a memoir. “As we watched these graphic pictures fill our screens, wide-eyed, no one said a word. Except for Justice O’Connor, who lowered her head, squinted slightly, and muttered, ‘Oh, my.’”

Amy Lindsay Actually IS a Ted Cruz Supporter

As for Lindsay, turns out she’s actually IS a Cruz supporter. She’s also pro-gay marriage, pro-gun, and pro-life. She voted for Ross Perot in 1992. She appears with hardcore king Ron Jeremy in a photo on her Twitter feed. And last night, she was laughing about the Ted Cruz ad, while drinking wine with her dad, an open-carry advocate.

“What it comes down to is I don’t want a [expletive deleted] Clinton or Sanders in the White House,” she said. “Even though I’m a softcore actress, I’m voting conservative and Republican … I couldn’t do a Hillary Clinton commercial for all the money in the world.”

However, she might want to cozy up to Donald Trump. After the Ted Cruz ad fiasco, Trump supporter Dan Brown tweeted this, welcoming Lindsay into #TrumpNation.



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