It’s no secret that I’ve always been a fan of Tom Cruise, even during his wackiest of times. I thought the Oprah couch-jumping was kind of cute, but, well, we all know how that turned out. Katie Holmes eventually saw the light.
But hey, maybe things will turn out ok after all. I’m not one to use Star Magazine as a credible source, but this particular news has been popping up elsewhere, so maybe it’s true.
According to a story in Star Magazine, Cruise is allegedly planning to leave the Church of Scientology. An “inside source” (right, whoever that might be) told the tabloid that the 52-year-old actor is finally going to break ties with the secretive and controversial religion in order to salvage his relationship with 9-year-old daughter Suri.
And to that, I say, YES! Because there’s no greater bond than that between a parent and child, and I’d feel bad if Suri didn’t get to have that with her dad.
The “source” told Star that a recent phone call Tom had with his daughter made him realize that he’s missing important milestones of her childhood. No kidding. Blink, and she’ll be 30, Tom.
“That’s when Tom realized he’s never seen her perform ballet and he started to tear up,” the insider claimed in the Star report. “It hit him that she’s growing up before his eyes and he’s not there to witness most of it. They talk on the phone and video chat, but it’s not the same.” Phone calls and video chats for Tom and Suri can’t really replace spending actual, physical time with each other, especially since Suri is so young.
Katie, of course, has distanced herself from the Church of Scientology after their divorce, leading Scientology to view her as a “suppressive” (Scientology speak for someone who is hostile to the church). Suri will probably get that label, as well.
I would love it if Tom put Suri ahead of Scientology. If that truly does happen, it’ll be yet another in a series of PR disasters for the group. Along with the recent HBO documentary based on the best-selling book “Going Clear,” pointing to the alleged sinister inner workings of the church, a new tell-all book written by the father of the church’s leader, David Miscavige, is in the works – which reportedly has Miscavige in a panic.
Scientology’s abusive tactics have long been reported, but the church’s leadership has always been able to keep attacks from critics just out of the mainstream. Those days might be over, though.
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