I’ve known Edie Jarolim for many years. We’re online buddies who met back when Edie took my blogging class years ago. At the time, she was in the beginning stages of building her website Will My Dog Hate Me, featuring her beloved pooch Frankie, and writing her book “Am I Boring My Dog?”
It’s been fun to see Edie’s online presence grow over the years. Some people just click, and I feel like we’ll always be friends, even if we never meet in person.
Now, we all need to help Edie get naked. No, really. She’s working on a new memoir, “Getting Naked for Money,” which chronicles her life as a guidebook editor in New York and London, and a freelance travel writer based in Tucson, Arizona. In short, it’s all about how this Ph.D. in literature came to write “Arizona for Dummies,” disrobe on a magazine assignment to a nudist resort, and have a blast in the process.
Edie has launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund “Getting Naked for Money.” At this writing, she only has 11 days to go and she’s about half-way to her funding goal. In other words, chop-chop, people! Let’s help Edie get naked!
She put together this funny parody video about the Kickstarter campaign, but instead of adopting those sad, lonely dogs, we need to adopt Edie — and help her adorable dog Madeleine get the steak she so deserves.
As Edie told me the other day, “One of the scariest phrases someone doing a Kickstarter can hear is ‘Good luck with that’ – unless, of course, it comes on the heels of a donation. That’s the kind of luck someone looking for help with a project needs.”
Ok, who’s with me?! Let’s all help Edie get naked! And get Madeleine that steak! Click over to the Kickstarter campaign and throw in a few bucks – every donation, big or small, helps.
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