Angelina Jolie Has the Chicken Pox. No, Really.

Unbroken Angelina Jolie 4
Angelina Jolie at a Manhattan press conference for “Unbroken” | Paula Schwartz Photo

Good grief. Angelina Jolie is having an interesting week. First, there’s the whole Sony emails leak scandal. Defamer was the first to publish leaked emails from Sony Pictures chair Amy Pascal and film producer Scott Rudin, in which Rudin referred to Jolie as a “minimally talented spoiled brat.” Yowch.

Opinions are mixed over on my Facebook page, but I tend to agree that Jolie is doing good work in the world and doesn’t deserve the badmouthing.

Then, her movie “Unbroken” is being snubbed on the awards circuit. And if that’s not enough, now she has the chicken pox. No, really. Fortunately for us, she came down with it AFTER the press conference attended by our own Paula Schwartz.

I wonder if she got it from one of her kids (who, if so, probably all have it right about now).

Angelina can’t believe it either. And by the way, where is she? It looks like they’ve put her in some underground bunker and are shuttling food through that little wooden thingie on the wall there.



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2 responses to “Angelina Jolie Has the Chicken Pox. No, Really.”

  1. Ali A Avatar

    And of course she still looks beautiful with chicken pox because this is a cruel, unfair world.

  2. Paula Schwartz Avatar
    Paula Schwartz

    Unbroken was named one of top ten films by the American Film Institute and I believe the movie has a deserved shot at an Oscar nomination, I also wonder if the movie had been directed by a man would there be a different more positive reaction on the awards circuit. How dare a woman direct a war movie? In Hollywood they love Angelina in front of the camera where Maleficient made over seven million but behind the camera it is still a boy’s club.

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