Wow! The season finale of “Revenge,” in my opinion, was all that we could have hoped for as fans. Drama, murder and revenge – all wrapped up for us to think about during the summer hiatus. Ah…
RELATED: All “Revenge” News & Recaps
The saddest part of the finale was Victoria’s killing of Aiden. I was a little shocked that it happened. The scene was a little disturbing. Victoria leaving Aiden in her Grayson Manor office with a cup of tea – laced with a poison which paralyzes one’s body – Aiden’s. As Aiden fell onto the floor, Victoria said she was making Emily pay and endure the pain she suffered for taking Pascal from her (although, hello, Conrad pushed him into the propeller, not Em). It was sad watching her smother a paralyzed Aiden with a pillow – she even looked unsettled. Good-bye, Aiden.
Later, Margaux’s conniving brother, Gideon, shows up to cause trouble for her – but more so, Daniel – which he did. He wants to take over the company, and so set Daniel up with a “girl” for a one night stand. The girl ended up dead, and of course, there’s a photo of her and Daniel in bed (her being dead). Oh Daniel, don’t you know when you’re being played? Guess not.
I’m disappointed in Charlotte. She figured out that Jack was in on the kidnapping, but instead of confronting him, called the police on him. Jack looked shocked, and Charlotte sad. But I’m sure everything will be worked out in the season 4 opener, right? I hope.
Conrad, Conrad. No need to worry about him anymore. In jail, after being roughed up by a guard, he befriended him – which means he paid him off to get him out of prison. Being the smug guy he is, he thought he was free. He was to be picked up on a dark road to transport him outta there – a van pulled up and a man with a hoodie got out of the car. As he met Conrad face-to-face, guess who?! David Clarke!!
I think we all knew with the flashbacks over the past three seasons that he might be returning (which will bring a whole new twist to the show, since he was the premise of “Revenge”). Anyway, Conrad was stunned, and even more stunned when David pulled out a knife and stabbed him with a fatal blow. Whoa! I didn’t think they were going to kill Conrad off, being that he (and Victoria) are the number one antagonists on the show. Who knows, though, David Clarke is back from the dead!
Victoria … I was a little worried when Victoria showed up at the graveyard where Emily was digging up David’s grave. (I would never turn my back on that woman!). Well, we should know Emily always gets her man … or woman. She whacked Vicky in the head with her shovel. When Victoria awoke, she was in a Looney Bin (mental institution). Ha, I loved it. Emily now had the good ole Dr. Sturman (who Victoria had used against Emily as a child) blackmailed into diagnosing Victoria as – I guess we could say, “crazy.” Oh my gosh, Victoria was so mad – screaming – making herself look even crazier (to the head doctor at the facility). And the look on Emily’s face. She was so loving it. It was priceless!
I really enjoyed season 3 of “Revenge.” To me, it’s what a night time soap should be – goofy, crazy, fun, exciting and over the top. Most importantly, entertaining.
There is a lot of unsettled business to take care of next season. With David back, it’s going to go in a whole new direction – and it should be fun!
Did you like the “Revenge” finale? What shocked you the most? Are you going to keep on watching next season? Please leave your comments!
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