Need some good news? Me too. In this day and age of greed, backstabbing and fear mongering, it’s extremely heartwarming to see an entire city come together for one small boy.
More than 10,000 volunteers are hitting the streets of San Francisco today to make a five-your-old boy’s dream of becoming a super hero come true.
Young Miles suffers from leukemia, and his greatest wish is to be Batman for the day.
Make-A-Wish Foundation, in coordination with the city of San Francisco, is helping that wish become a reality through a variety of events planned throughout the city today.
Miles’ superhero adventure begins on Nob Hill, where he’ll rescue a damsel-in-distress from the Hyde Street cable car tracks! Next up, he’ll capture the Riddler in the act of robbing a downtown vault.
Following lunch at Burger Bar, #Batkid will be warned by a volunteer flashmob that the Penguin has kidnapped Lou Seal, as they speed away from Union Square.
Once Miles apprehends the Penguin, he’ll make a final stop at City Hall, where Mayor Ed Lee, Chief of Police Greg Suhr and a huge crowd will congratulate his daring feats of justice and present the youngster with a key to the city.
“For our chapter here in the greater bay area, we haven’t had a wish of this magnitude,” says Lynne Durie, operations director for Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area. “We really knew that San Francisco would open its heart and it would be a great experience, but we never expected the volume.”
Durie says social media played a huge role in the event’s growth, even before an official media release.
“It got picked up in social media before we even release and it just took on a life of its own,” she says.
In addition to the event tomorrow, other Batman-themed tributes are in the works, including a comic book from DC Comics detailing his exploits and own musical theme created by Hans Zimmer, composer for the Dark Knight Trilogy.
Follow the action today on Twitter with #Batkid. Even the President got into the action, tweeting this:
#FollowFriday RT @SFWish: Here he comes!!!!
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) November 15, 2013
Some photos from the day – click for larger views and sharing options:
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