TV Squad Writers Get the Band Back Together

AFT Podcast: Under the Dome

I’m super late on this, because we did the podcast a couple weeks ago. But wanted to be sure and post about it and link over to Antenna Free TV, where former TV Squad co-worker bees Joel Keller, Mike Moody and others have a fab TV site going.

In honor of their 100th podcast, Joel invited a few TV Squad writers – including yours truly – to join in the fun. Other participants include Joel, Jason J. Hughes (he wrote a few posts for us here), Brad Trechak, Joel’s brother Rich KellerMike Moody and Will Harris.

We were all over the map, but stuff we talked about included:

  • Why is “Low Winter Sun” so darn boring? And is “Under the Dome” campy on purpose?
  • What are all of us watching now? (I never thought I’d be the crime procedural person of the group!).
  • We reminisced about the TV Squad days and talked about its fun-ness.
  • Has TV criticism changed? And why don’t more critics recap and write about shows that *aren’t on premium channels?
  • And since AFT is doing a bang-up job covering all aspects of “Breaking Bad,” we talked a lot about that, including Bryan Cranston’s ability to channel Hal from “Malcolm in the Middle” during even the most intense moments.

Listen to the podcast at Antenna Free TV, or here are some other options:

It was really fun getting the band back together, and Joel says we’ll do it again soon!






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  1. TV Squad Writers Get the Band Back Together

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