Only three episodes left of “Breaking Bad,” and during last night’s “Talking Bad” segment, Bryan Cranston said the show would end “in a very unapologetic, very ‘Breaking Bad’ way.” Hmmm… what’s it all mean?!
Read last night’s recap of “To’hajiilee” and tell us your thoughts.
Here’s a little promo for next week’s episode, “Ozymandias” (this is the season of weird but totally appropriate episode names). Last night, we had Hank and Marie’s heartfelt phone call, leading me to believe that Hank might not survive (and how could he possibly survive after that rain of bullets?).
Next week, we get Skyler’s worried message to Walt. But since Walt’s in the back of the car, he manages to get below the window so I’m guessing he probably survives. Because what would the final three episodes be without Walt?
Maybe they’ll do a Tony Soprano thing and have him in a coma living an alternate universe. Nah, that’s been done before.
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