Transformers Giveaway

July Giveaway Extravaganza: Transformers & Transformers Revenge of the Fallen DVDs

Transformers Giveaway

Today’s installment of the July Giveaway Extravaganza – we’re giving something away Every.Single.Day in July! – includes TWO movies in a super popular franchise. (Two because I missed yesterday!)


  1. TRANSFORMERS on DVD. An alien civil war (the Autobots vs. the evil Decepticons) has spilled onto Earth, and young Sam (Shia LeBeouf) is caught in the fray by his newly purchased souped-up Camaro. Which has a mind – and identity as a noble-warrior robot named Bumblebee – of its own. The effects, especially the mind-blowing transformations of the robots into their earthly forms and back again, are stellar.
  2. TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN TWO-DISC SPECIAL EDITION. This sequel to “Transformers” finds the Decepticon forces returning to Earth on a mission to take Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) prisoner, after the young hero learns the truth about the ancient origins of the Transformers. Joining the mission to product humankind is Optimus Prime, who forms an alliance with international armies for a second epic battle.

BONUS FEATURES for Revenge of the Fallen: 

  • The Human Factor: Exacting Revenge of the Fallen
  • Commentary by Michael Bay, Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman
  • A Day with Bay: Tokyo
  • 25 Years of Transformers
  • NEST: Transformer Data-Hub
  • Deconstructing visual Bayhem (multi-angle)
  • Deleted/Alternate Scenes
  • Easter Eggs
  • Linkin Park – New Divide Music Video


As usual, you have lots of ways to enter! Choose any or all of those listed below. For EACH entry, be sure to leave a comment below.

1) Leave a comment on this post, telling us why you’d love to add these two “Transformers” movies to your home video collection. Are you a fan of the giant robots?

2) Subscribe to the Reel Life With Jane weekly newsletter in the sidebar widget on this page.

3) Tweet This:

#Giveaway! #Transformers & #Transformers2 Revenge of the Fallen #DVD @reellifejane #sweepstakes #contest

4) Share the contest on your other social networks, like Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, wherever! Remember to leave a comment below for each share.

This contest ends Wed., July 31, 2013 at midnight ET. Good luck!


18 responses to “July Giveaway Extravaganza: Transformers & Transformers Revenge of the Fallen DVDs”

  1. Anastasia Avatar

    I’d love to have these because I’ve been a fan of the Transformers since I was a kid 🙂 And I’ve passed that love onto my own children, so they would love this too 🙂

  2. Anastasia Avatar

    I’m an email subscriber 🙂

  3. Anastasia Avatar

    Pinned on Pinterest 🙂 –

  4. Shawn G. Avatar
    Shawn G.

    Whoa, this is the greatest extravaganza! I’d love to win the Transformers DVDs because I just saw Pacific Rim and it blew me away. I need more mech action!

  5. Angela Sims Avatar
    Angela Sims

    My son loves Transformers!

  6. Sunnie Avatar

    My nephew really likes them, so does my husband.

  7. Sunnie Avatar

    Iam an email subscriber.

  8. Graham Avatar

    This looks like a great action movie for me and my grandson.

  9. Austin Baroudi Avatar
    Austin Baroudi

    Something about giant robot aliens that turn into cars, trucks, planes, etc. fighting other giant robot aliens who also turn into cars, trucks, planes, etc. just sits really cool to me! Also the movies are just really good IMO. Thanks for another great giveaway!

  10. Austin Baroudi Avatar
    Austin Baroudi

    Subscribed to the Reel Life With Jane weekly newsletter.

  11. Austin Baroudi Avatar
    Austin Baroudi
  12. Austin Baroudi Avatar
    Austin Baroudi

    Shared on Pinterest as Austin Baroudi.

  13. Austin Baroudi Avatar
    Austin Baroudi

    Shared on StumbleUpon as austieb7.

  14. Daniel M Avatar
    Daniel M

    my nephew would love these!

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