There’s no reason to recap the Season 3 finale of “Game of Thrones.” You either saw it or could care less. Plus, there are a million recaps out there on the Internet. This post simply laments the end of Season 3, probably the best “Game of Thrones” season so far.
Though I, like anyone who watched GoT, have a few observations on the finale.
- Did anyone notice when Podrick was running to tell Tyrion there was a family meeting going on, a couple of girls giggled and said, “Ooh, that’s him!” in the courtyard? This was totally oblivious to Podrick, and even Daniel Portman, who plays Podrick on the show, was oblivious as well, it seems. Check out my tweet to him here. Maybe he hasn’t seen the finale yet.
- Yes, I know King Joffrey is the most disturbing evil there is, but even he was a little too gleeful at the news of Robb Stark’s passing. Didn’t you just want to slap him? I know Tyrion did.
- Poor Sansa and Arya Stark. They are living a Taylor Swift song. It seems like they are never ever ever ever going to get back together with their families again. I think that list Arya recites every night of those she is going to exact revenge on is going to get a lot bigger before it gets smaller. And while Sansa is beautiful, she apparently has a hearing problem as she thinks the word “shift” is slang for excrement…
- I did enjoy the banter between the Onion Knight and Gendry. I like that Gendry fellow. I hope he doesn’t kick it anytime soon.
- Man, that Theon Greyjoy is being crazy tortured and things aren’t going to be looking up for him any time soon. After his manhood gets lopped off, Greyjoy is a broken man, his psyche in danger of snapping (or possibly already has). His father is sent a gift from Greyjoy’s captor – yes, he literally receives Theon’s “D*ck in a Box” (and were you, too, humming that Andy Samberg/Justin Timberlake song when this happened?). So many jokes here … His Winter … fell, there’s no joy in Greyjoy now.
- The pouty-lipped Jon Snow pouts as he tells Ygritte he must return home, pouts when he tells her he loves her, pouts as he groans in agony when Ygritte shoots him. Does this guy ever not pout? Ah, but who cares?! He sure looks ridiculously sexy when he does pout.
- Shae, you should have taken those diamonds … Rut ro.
- Did you know Hodor is a DJ and music producer? No wonder when he bellowed, “Hooodooor!” it was so musical.
- ♫Reunited … and it feels so good …♫ Jaimie and Cersei are finally in the same room, together again after Jaimie’s arduous journey which includes a broken spirit and waving goodbye to his sword hand. Where is Brienne? She should have been there with Jaimie to cut an imposing figure against Cersei!
- Daenerys proves blondes do have more fun as she basically jumps into a mosh pit of some newly freed slaves and goes crowdsurfing as they chant “Mhysa! Mhysa!”. “Mhysa follow you anywhere!” said
Jar Jar Binksthe slaves. Will she parkour and freerun next? Will Ser Jorah Mormont continue to make cow eyes at her, moaning “Khaaaleeesi!” whenever the moment arises? Can’t she just give him a little love so he won’t be so moon-eyed all the time?
So now I’m trying to figure out what I’m going to do all summer. I guess I could read the books in the interim, but I probably have several hundred books on my Kindle I’ve been meaning to read and a least a couple dozen actual books sitting on my nightstand waiting to be read.
Or I could go outside and take a walk. Hah, who’s kidding who? Well, season two of “The Newsroom” will be starting July 14. Maybe I should read Reel Life With Jane’s Ultimate Guide to Summer TV 2013 to get some more ideas.
I’m without any new episodes of “New Girl” or “Game of Thrones.” What’s a girl to do?!
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