Longmire's Katee Sackhoff

Longmire’s Katee Sackhoff Tweets Gun Safety, Loses Followers

Longmire's Katee Sackhoff Tweets Gun Safety

Longmire‘s” Katee Sackhoff allegedly lost half her Twitter followers after she tweeted about gun safety recently.

Sackhoff tweeted this:

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Seems pretty tame, right? Just a celeb passing along some information. No harm, no foul, right? Wrong.

Sackhoff’s Twitter exploded with a variety of comments. People critical of her tweet advocating gun control, not gun safety. She responded to some and politely reiterated, “Just to be clear … I NEVER said automatic guns should be legal!”

When one commenter said there should be no guns at all, Sackhoff replied that would be an impossibility, but that gun owners should practice safety and caution with their firearms. She tweeted, “Never gonna happen in the US. Proper gun safety is a necessity though.”

The original tweet supposedly cost her half of her Twitter followers.

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Even though she chose her words carefully, it didn’t seem to matter.Screen Shot 2013-06-12 at 5.30.54 AM

Do fans need to lighten up? Should Sackhoff not tweet anything without consulting her publicist? The whole thing seems extreme. The woman is allowed her own opinion, after all.

What’s your take on this?

UPDATE:  According to Reader Kate, Sackhoff never really lost half her followers, but has actually increased them since her now infamous posts, almost by 25%. See her stats here.


8 responses to “Longmire’s Katee Sackhoff Tweets Gun Safety, Loses Followers”

  1. Jane Boursaw Avatar

    It’s such a hot topic, but I think people need to lighten up. She wasn’t saying automatic weapons should be legal, she’s just trying to prevent another tragedy like the 4-year-old boy killing his father.

  2. Kate Ebneter Avatar
    Kate Ebneter

    A little fact-checking would help: Katee was joking about losing half her Twitter followers. She’s been hovering around 100K followers for quite some time, as a glance at http://twittercounter.com/kateesackhoff# would show. (In fact, she’s gotten an uptick from this little kerfuffle.)

    Disclaimer: I used to run a fan website about Katee, but I am not affiliated with her nor do I speak for her in any way. Just frustrated by how this story has spread despite no basis in fact.

    1. K.L. Connie Wang Avatar
      K.L. Connie Wang

      Thanks for the info, Kate! Stupid me for actually taking a Fox News report as actual news! Thanks for the link on her Twitter stats. I was unable to find anything similar when I was writing up the post this morning and had to go with the reports I saw.

      1. Kate Ebneter Avatar
        Kate Ebneter

        No worries! Thanks for the correction, neither the Washington Times nor Fox has seen fit to publish a similar update despite being told about it.

        A pity that Katee can’t be her sarcastic self without this sort of thing happening, but her fans wouldn’t have her any other way. 🙂

        1. K.L. Connie Wang Avatar
          K.L. Connie Wang

          No problem, Kate. Though, to my defense, sarcasm is hard to distinguish in a Tweet!

  3. Jane Boursaw Avatar

    Thanks for the info, Kate! Corrections and clarifications always appreciated.

    Maybe we should start a hashtag for Twitter #sarcasm. Or not. 🙂

  4. […] Longmire’s Katee Sackhoff Tweets Gun Safety, Loses Followers (reellifewithjane.com) […]

  5. phildrobinson Avatar

    People should have misunderstood Katee Sackhoff since she wasn’t saying automatic weapons should be legal, she’s just trying to prevent another tragedy

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