Art of Conflict: The Murals of Northern Ireland

New on Netflix: Vince Vaughn’s Art of Conflict: The Murals of Northern Ireland

Art of Conflict: The Murals of Northern Ireland

If you think Vince Vaughn and Peter Billingsley’s Wild West Productions is all about the rom-coms and buddy-coms, well, you’d be wrong.

A note just landed in my inbox that their documentary, “Art of Conflict: The Murals of Northern Ireland,” will stream exclusively on Netflix starting June 1, 2013. The doc examines how the street art of murals tells the story of Northern Ireland’s history and violence.

Narrated by Vince Vaughn and directed by Valeri Vaughn (Vince’s sister), the film further explores the impact, purpose, and future of these murals. Filmed in Northern Ireland, the doc offers interviews with local muralists, political figures, noted mural historians, art community members, and people who live and work in the region.

“It took about seven years of filming to getting it complete, so we’re just happy to be getting it out there,” Vaughn told RTÉ TEN. “It just takes a long time to get things like this edited.”

The 43-year-old actor/producer added that he wanted to show both sides of the divide. “It was important that we showed balance in the film; that both sides were represented fairly. I come from an Irish background so it was important to me from that perspective, as well.”


3 responses to “New on Netflix: Vince Vaughn’s Art of Conflict: The Murals of Northern Ireland”

  1. Melanie Votaw Avatar

    Cool! I’ll definitely watch that.

  2. K.L. Connie Wang Avatar
    K.L. Connie Wang

    I worked on this!

    1. Jane Boursaw Avatar

      How cool is that?!!!

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