Okay, coming into the season five finale of “Castle,” I was worried that it was going to end in the same way that “Bones” ended its season, with heartbreak, disbelief and sheer frustration. Well, it did to some degree, but not in the same way, right? I’m sure a lot of the same viewers watch both shows.
This episode was about a woman — a Harvard honors student — whose body was discovered floating in a water tank. Of course there were a lot of twists and turns leading up to the arrest of the suspect, but this was not what we, the fans, were most interested in. Frankly, for a season finale, I thought it felt like just another case. There wasn’t a huge crescendo, like a season finale should have.
The main stories in this episode pointed to the future of the characters. Alexis plans a trip to Costa Rica with her class (Castle is worried about her), Ryan and his wife are going to have a baby (still a secret), and, of course, taking center stage is Castle and Beckett’s relationship. Beckett goes to D.C. to interview for a job with the Federal Task Force, which she is very excited about. It’s a huge opportunity, everything she has ever wanted for her career. But we all knew what was coming. She has to choose between the job (she wants it) and Castle.
I was left a little unfulfilled with the substance of the episode … especially for a season finale. It should have had more tension and emotion. What did you, the viewers, think?
Personally, I wish they would have spent more time exploring Beckett and Castle’s relationship. What does Beckett want? What does Castle want? We want more from them at this point, don’t we? One mistake that Kate made was not being honest with Castle. She should have told him about the interview.
I’m sure all of us have made the mistake of hiding something from our significant other. We just need to be honest and open – wait, this is a TV show and they are doing this on purpose! Okay, but still, we want it to be somewhat real, and I think Kate would have told him. He probably would have gone to D.C. with her. Do you think so?
It was nice to see Ryan and Javier ask Beckett throughout the episode, “Is everything okay?” They could see something was wrong, and showed that they cared about her. Also, for Beckett to go to Lanie for advice showed their closeness as friends. That was real.
The most dramatic scene was when Castle found Beckett’s boarding pass. He asked her why she went to D.C., and she told him the truth. Yep, he was mad. He felt betrayed by her. He told her she lied and then hid the lie. As we all have done, she tell’s him it wasn’t a big deal (that old trick). He says to her,”You know what this would mean, and you didn’t include me.” Ouch, I get what he was saying and feeling.
Near the end, we all saw the Deputy Director telephone Kate and tell her she had got the job! “Yea!” Oh no, I mean, “Boo.” This is where I was expecting a big, dramatic confrontation between Castle and Beckett, but what we got was Beckett calling Castle and saying, “We need to talk,” and him responding, “Yeah, we do.”
What?! That’s it?! I thought something happened to my TV screen, or that there was a blackout. Ugh! I was left wanting more, a lot more. The last scene of the “Bones” finale left us shocked, angry and in tears (yes, it’s true). I was really hoping for a more emotional ending to this season of “Castle.” I felt a little cheated. What about you?
Did you watch the season finale? What did you think? Did you want more?
[NOTE FROM JANE: The screener episode that Kim watched was missing the final five minutes. What’s up with THAT, ABC? And for a finale, too! At any rate, that explains the comments below, which Kim responded to. But here’s the amusing part of it — I actually SAW the final five minutes when I watched it in real time as it aired, and I STILL agreed with Kim that there was something missing. It just seemed like the episode sort of rambled along, and then all of a sudden, wham, there’s a proposal at the end! And of course, we’re left wondering what her decision will be for next season. Personally, I don’t see why Castle can’t go to D.C. with her. I mean, he’s a writer, so he’ll take his laptop and set up shop wherever they land. Right? What’s the problem there? That could work … Signed, hopelessly romantic Jane]
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