Off the beaten track. I share with you, dear readers, an actor’s week, revealed with haiku.
Haiku 26
Acting class. Take five.
Everyone standing outside.
Stretching limbs. Smoking.
Twitterhaiku 95
At Cirque du Soleil
A small girl scared by the clown,
Seared soul, white grimace.
Senryu 233
Where, in the cortex,
Does comedy arise from?
Mine seems to be gone.
Senryu 279
Story creation
Has its own life processes
Which we must respect
Senryu 280
Beginning and end
With rehearsal in between
To discover truth
Senryu 281
Seed must reach flower
Character must be performed
For an audience
Senryu 282
Creation must peak
Rehearsal without filming
Is chase without catch
Senryu 283
A character is built
In order to engage with
Another person
Senryu 284
Anything less than
Celluloid resolution
Disorders balance
Senryu 285
Grand practitioner
Of truth in performing arts
Rachel Rosenthal
Senryu 286
Amazing and dense
Layered unveiling of art
ShaSha Higby’s show
Senryu 287
Casting for actress
No experience required
Need blonde with large breasts
Senryu 288
My art or my rent
Why must I choose only one
Senryu 289
I used to believe
Spoken word is not true art.
I used to be wrong.
Haiku 290
Ostentatious luxe glitz shine
Adorning my throat
Senryu 291
David, acting coach,
Proclaimed himself deity;
Us, his worshippers.
Senryu 292
Some people mistake
Fame for artistic talent
Not the same at all
Senryu 293
You are an actor
But you’re not a movie star
So what are you, huh?
Senryu 294
Before I say if
I like this sacred screenplay
Tell me who wrote it
Senryu 582
In a corridor
Doing tongue exercises
Opera audition
Senryu 583
Six other women
Waiting to read for a role
All look just like me
Senryu 584
I’m sure it’s not cool
Grovel and beg on my knees
Please cast me in this
Senryu 585
Never in my life
Have I been so much in love
Cut! I hate your guts
Senryu 586
You have to love cheese
More than anything in life
Dairy commercial
Senryu 587
Dressing room. Sobbing.
Darling, what happened to you?
Back off I’m working
Senryu 588
Text has no meaning
What is your body saying
To your scene partner?
Senryu 589
Fiction becomes truth
In the character’s desire
The actor is lost
Senryu 590
Skinned raw down to nerves
Sensitive to the slightest
All shutters open
Senryu 591
It hurts tears shreds me
Gouges huge chunks from my soul
You ignore my art
Senryu 592
Never do I feel
So alive and connected
As when I’m on set
Senryu 593
One man didn’t clap
He must have hated the show
My work must have stunk
Senryu 594
Someone’s not laughing
Am I saying my lines wrong?
I’m spoiling the show
Senryu 595
Someone is laughing
This is the funeral scene
Spinach in my teeth?
Senryu 596
You’re too old too tall
Too brunette or too ethnic
Your boobs are too small
Senryu 597
Your body instrument
Madmen falling off a cliff
Time-stopped zen moment
Senryu 598
Life but yet dreamlike
Consequences, desires
Watch yourself perform
Senryu 599
We were in the zone
Floating over the sound stage
Senryu 600
I did love you then
In my tongue and ovaries
During rehearsal
Senryu 601
Sensitive reader
Of the slightest physical
Senryu 602
You make me feel sad
What does your body tell you
He makes me feel sad
Senryu 603
Dry shell empty husk
When you take away my art
You kill what is me
Senryu 604
Human emotions
Channeled by storytellers
Revealed through corpus
Senryu 605
Boiling inside me
Propelled by the script
… and to lighten it up a bit …
Limerick 33 for Danielle
An old actor regretting her youth
She made poor choices, in truth
Offered the Star Trek pilot show
She consulted her Tarot
Then took a gig in the trade show booth
Limerick 34 for Brent Spiner
I wrote this new Star Trek plot
Worf and the blue Mr. Mot
Having sex at the “poker” game
While Data’s gone insane
Trying to disassemble Spot
Some of these poems originally appeared in my book SnarkyKu or on my Twitter feed.
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