Harrison Ford has signed on for “Anchorman 2.” Really, Harrison? You couldn’t, oh I don’t know, work with Scorsese or Eastwood or Spielberg? I’ll hold out for your return as Han Solo. But I’m biased, because I didn’t really like the first “Anchorman.”
Best Instagram of the Day goes to Taylor Swift: “Stuck in traffic behind myself.”
Justice League Movie News: Christopher Nolan is producing, and he’s working with Zach Snyder to possibly bring Christian Bale back as Batman. Woot!
It has to be hard to be a celebrity parent, with the paparazzi hounding your every move. Remember those videos of Julia Roberts going ballistic at photogs trying to get pics of her kids? Who can blame her? Now Ben Affleck is in the news for protecting 4-year-old Seraphina from the paps. He and Jennifer Garner are SO good about dealing with everything, but the kids come first.
Well, poo-poo to everyone who didn’t like “The Hobbit” (we did!). The first of Peter Jackson’s trilogy ‘just passed the $1 billion mark at the worldwide box office, becoming only the fifteenth film to reach that point. So there, Hobbit haters.
Awww … Siobhan Finneran (Sarah O’Brien) is leaving “Downton Abbey”. What will we do without her back-stabbing nastiness in the servants’ quarters?
I had to read this headline a couple times before it sunk in: Iggy and the Stooges are booked for SXSW. Then I had to look at the picture a few times before it stuck in my head. Now it won’t get unstuck, so I’m making you look at it to commiserate… I apologize for this…

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