Life of Pi

Oscar Predictions: Who Will Win the Coveted Trophy?

Life of Pi

I’m watching all the Oscar buzz, as it’s part of my regular job, and I just have to put in my two cents about who might take home those coveted trophies.

BEST PICTURE. “Argo” will most likely win, since it’s a movie about making a movie, albeit a fake movie. It not only has some comedic elements, but spy-thriller and drama elements, as well. The picture that should win is Life of Pi.”  This movie not only touches the heart, it’s cinematically and astoundingly beautiful. The visuals and intense colors just fuel the imagination. Ang Lee outdid himself. “Amour” will likely win Best Foreign Film and be passed up for Best Picture.

BEST DIRECTOR. Well, since Ben Affleck wasn’t even nominated, my first pick is Ang Lee for his work on “Life of Pi.” The incredible feat he overcame to bring the book to life is just simply amazing. I can’t say enough about this director. From “Eat, Drink, Man, Woman” to “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” and “Brokeback Mountain” (for which he won an Oscar), he hits it almost every time. While I would love to see Lee win (what woman doesn’t love “Sense and Sensibility”?), Steven Spielberg is the favorite to win for Lincoln (yawn).

BEST ACTOR. Daniel Day-Lewis, hands down.  He’s the frontrunner to win on everyone’s list. This guy can do no wrong. “My Left Foot,” “Last of the Mohicans,” “A Room with a View” … Day-Lewis transforms himself into whatever character he’s playing.

BEST ACTRESS. Jennifer Lawrence is the odds-on favorite to win, but Emmanuelle Riva might sneak in under the wire for “Amour.” I saw Silver Linings Playbook,” and I just don’t see what the big deal is about this movie. Sure, it was a good movie, but Oscars nods to everyone and Best Picture nod, too? Really? I just don’t see it. I would love to see Naomi Watts just snake it out from all of them for her performance in The Impossible,” but it’s almost close to impossible that she will win, as there just doesn’t seem to be much buzz about her or the movie, despite it being a gut-wrenching flick about the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.

Your turn! Who do you think will win an Oscar on Sunday?


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