Oscars 2013: Jennifer Lawrence and Jack Nicholson

Backstage at the Oscars: Jennifer Lawrence Meets Jack Nicholson

Oscars 2013: Jennifer Lawrence and Jack Nicholson

Here’s what I love about Jennifer Lawrence. She’s a majorly big star now. I mean, look at the movies on her resume so far. For starters, we’re talking “Winter’s Bone,” “The Hunger Games,” and “Silver Linings Playbook,” for which she won that shiny Oscar statuette last night.

Oscars 2013: All the Winners

But she’s still starstruck when meeting big stars like Jack Nicholson and Anne Hathaway. Can you imagine meeting Jack Nicholson? And him saying he loved you in your movie? I can’t even imagine. Neither can Jennifer. Take a look at what happened backstage at the Oscars last night…



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3 responses to “Backstage at the Oscars: Jennifer Lawrence Meets Jack Nicholson”

  1. […] Lawrence is so funny. As mentioned earlier, she was completely starstruck meeting Jack Nicholson, but she’s also so good-humored when it comes to, you know, falling on your way up to get an […]

  2. Vera Marie Badertscher Avatar

    That is just not only sweet, but it shows one big clue as to why she is a good actress. She still totally experiences life instead of hiding behind some faux sophistication. Which lets her know how those feelings, well “feel.”

  3. Melanie Avatar

    She seems so real and genuine. Good Southern girl.

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