To celebrate her 49th birthday, Michelle Obama launched a new Twitter account today: @FLOTUS. This is in addition to her @MichelleObama account.
The first tweet on FLOTUS was this: The
@FLOTUS Office is now on @twitter & will post updates & pics. When it’s her, she’ll sign -mo. PS: RT to wish Mrs. Obama a #HappyBirthday
Her second tweet on the account was the picture above — with new bangs! Which I love!
Here’s the second tweet: The First Lady just met with Inaugural citizen co-chair David Hall ahead of #MLKDay of Service.
I guess you’d call bangs a trend among celebrities. Kate Middleton and Britney Spears both debuted new bangs late last year.
What do you think? Like the FLOTUS with bangs, or did you like her hair better the old way?
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