Step Up Revolution Dance Workout

Holiday Gift Guide: Workout DVDs from Jane Fonda, Denise Austin & More

Step Up Revolution Dance Workout

Let’s talk about exercise. You know, that thing we do sometimes, whether we want to or not. Sometimes at the gym, sometimes at the neighborhood park, sometimes at home.

I’m a big fan of workout DVDs, dating back to the Jane Fonda Workout and her encouragement constant badgering to “feel the burn!” Which, as we now know, might not be the best approach to getting in shape.

But Jane is back, along with Denise Austin, Billy Blanks and a bunch of other workout aficionados to help us get us in shape, relieve stress, and feel better about ourselves.

If you’ve got a workout maniac on your holiday gift list, here’s the rundown on some recent workout DVDs that made our list. All of these will be released on Dec. 4, 2012, but click through the titles and pre-order on Amazon.

Jane Fonda YogaJane Fonda Am/Pm Yoga for Beginners. Yoga is my constant companion these days, although I mostly just do it once a week with my beloved yoga teacher and yogi-friends. It’s a great way to decompress, build strength, increase your flexibility, and forget your troubles for a little while. This DVD includes three AM yoga workouts and two PM workouts, and a towel, chair, yoga mat, and light weights are recommended:

  • ABS & BACK (AM). Strengthen and tighten your core to increase stability and support of your lower back.
  • ENERGY (AM). Increase your energy and get ready for the day with light stretches and basic yoga poses.
  • STRENGTH (AM). Engage your entire body with yoga and traditional weight training routines.
  • MOBILITY (PM). Grab a sturdy chair and get ready to release all the stress from your day.
  • RELAXATION (PM). Relax and feel the tension release by gently stretching your core shoulders hips back and legs.
  • BONUS. 5-Minute stability and posture exercises to improve your balance.

PrayFit: 33-Day Body Toning System. Here’s a mantra for you: In Jesus’ Name We Pray. This 33-day total-body toning exercise incorporates weekly devotionals to inspire your success.  It’s designed by Jimmy Pena, best selling author and founder of PrayFit, to tighten and sculpt your legs, shoulders, chest, back arms and abs in just 33 minutes a day for 33 days (hey, at least it’s not 66 minutes a day for 666 days, right?).

Jimmy leads you through a workout that builds lean muscle with targeted exercise and helps you blast through body fat with several bouts of high-intensity cardio. The idea is you’ll see results faster than you would by doing cardio alone. Ideal for any fitness level, your goal is to improve steadily each day, building your fitness and your faith. Hand weights and a mat are recommended.

Biggest Loser: Power Ab Blast. Belly fat? Uh huh. This DVD from the hit NBC show is designed to shape a strong and defined core, burn fat and get those chiseled abs you’ve always wanted, with help from trainers Bob Harper and Dolvett Quince.  Hand weights are recommended. Includes:

  • WARM UP (5 min). Gradually increase your heart rate and prep your body for a core workout.
  • STANDING ABS (10 min). Grab a pair of weights or medicine ball to target tone your core with standing ab exercises.
  • CARDIO ABS (15 min). Get your heart rate up as you focus on toning your abs and oblique.
  • ALL OUT ABS (10 min) – alt option: All Out Abs Get ready to engage your core with floor abs planks and sit ups.
  • YOGA ABS (10 min). Increase flexibility and strengthen your core with yoga inspired mat workout.
  • COOL DOWN (5 min). Lower your heart rate and stretch tight muscles.

Step Up Revolution Dance Workout. Want to move like those sexy people in the Step Up Revolution movies? This DVD will get you moving, even if you don’t look exactly like those perfect bodies. Learn the moves step by step before putting the entire routine together for an all-out performance to the actual songs from the movie. Once you’ve got it, turn up the volume and shake your hips to Latin Groove and Latin Hip-Hop Fusion and get funky as you work it out to Hip-Hop and Hip-Hop Jam. Included:

  • Hip-Hop Jam. Sweat it out to a fusion of various dance styles from the movie for a heart-pumping cardio hip-hop workout.
  • Latin Groove. Spice up the dance floor with Salsa and Mambo-inspired moves that work your core hips and thighs.
  • Latin Hip-Hop Fusion. Featuring an energizing mix of Hip-Hop Afro-Cuban and Samba, you’ll work your entire body with arm and body combos and core- firming moves.
  • Hip-Hop. Get your heart pumpin’ with this fun fusion of Hip-Hop and street dance that sculpts your core arms legs and butt.

fit in a flashFit in a Flash. Ok, so maybe it’s not quite a “flash,” but Denise Austin promises results in 7-minute solutions. This DVD delivers seven dynamic workouts focused on cardio strength training and toning in quick 7- minute intervals. Start with the Level 1 workouts and when you’re ready advance to Level 2.

  • WARM-UP. Wake up your muscles with invigorating movements to get your body warmed up.
  • CARDIO – Levels 1 & 2. Burn fat and calories with these heart-pounding cardio moves.
  • TOTAL-BODY TONING – Levels 1 & 2. Firm up while you strengthen and tone your body from head to toe with dynamic strength moves.
  • UPPER BODY. Sculpt your upper body with moves that will tighten up tough trouble areas.
  • LOWER BODY. Slim and firm your butt hips and thighs with signature moves that deliver results.
  • ABS WAIST & CORE. Whittle down your middle with exercises that flatten your belly and tighten your core.
  • ARMS. Get defined sexy arms and shoulders with target-toning moves.
  • COOL DOWN. Wind down your workout with a series of stretches that will bring your heart rate back to resting.

Biggest Loser: 30-Day Power X-Train. Take it up a notch with the fat-burning moves you’ve seen on The Biggest Loser. Using cross training and core movements you’ll shed unwanted pounds, burn maximum calories, and tone and tighten your legs abs and arms for a total body workout.

Get ready to sweat with trainers Bob Harper and Dolvett Quince as they challenge every muscle in your body. Weights recommended. Includes:

  • WARM UP (5 min). Get moving and prepare your body for an intense Cross Training workout designed to burn fat tighten and tone.
  • METABOLIC CIRCUIT (15 min). Keep your heart rate up with metabolic circuit training workout as you alternate between strength and cardio movements. This non-stop no recovery workout is sure to burn mega calories.
  • POWER TRAINING (15 min). A total body workout designed to build strength speed and powerful muscles with core moves and plyometrics.
  • ALL ABOUT REPS (15 min). Build strength and drop inches with this fast- paced cross training program that utilizes cardio bursts and muscle toning.
  • COOL DOWN (5 min). Slow your heart rate and sooth tight muscles through deep stretches.

Denise Austin: Shrink Your 5 Fat Zones. Blast away unwanted fat with Denise’s favorite fat-burning cardio exercises to target-tone trouble zones on your butt, belly, back, thighs and arms. Each workout is 10 minutes and delivers maximum calorie-burning results. When you’re short on time, do what you can, and for optimal results, do all five fat zones.

  • BACK. Banish back fat and define your shoulders with this intense routine that will have you burning tons of calories while toning up.
  • BUTT. Lose inches from your hips and lift your butt with great sculpting moves that will tone and tighten your greatest asset.
  • BELLY. Chisel away the fat and get sexy abs with these core strengthening moves that will have you showing off your incredibly defined six-pack.
  • ARMS. Get ready to show off your sexy arms and shoulders with great sculpting moves that will tone you up in no time.
  • THIGHS. Sculpt long lean legs and lose inches off your thighs when you tone and tighten this stubborn fat zone.

billy blanksBilly Blanks Jr: Dance Party Boot Camp. This guy has way too much energy (he doesn’t look real on that DVD cover, does he?), but that’s good for us! This 30-minute workout will supercharge your calorie burn with a nonstop mix of the hottest dance moves and boot camp conditioning. Billy and his wife Sharon Catherine show you the steps and challenge your body to the max.

Designed for all ages shapes and sizes, it’s the best time you’ll ever have losing weight. Includes:

  • Warm-Up (5 min). Ignite your metabolism with a total body warm-up that sets your body in motion.
  • Dance Party Boot Camp (30 min). Get your sweat on and fire up the burn with a fast-paced dance workout that includes boot camp- inspired jumps squats twists and fat-blasting kicks.
  • Cool down (5 min). Gradually lower your heart rate and reward your body with soothing stretches and fluid dance movements.

Ballet Beautiful: Body Blast. Get a fit, firm and graceful body with this ballet inspired workout from Mary Helen Bowers, trainer to the stars. Sculpt a lean long dancer’s body with four 15-minute targeted workouts. Mix and match these workouts to tone your arms abs and butt. Includes;

  • Ballet Beautiful Swan Arms. A graceful workout that tones and sculpts lean feminine arms while building upper body strength and posture.
  • 15 Minute Blast. A full body workout that lengthens and tones muscles in the legs butt abs and upper body.
  • Butt Series Part 1. A targeted workout that tightens and tones the back of the legs and butt.
  • Butt Series Part 2. A focused workout for the outside of the hip thigh and butt; tightening toning and lengthening the line of the leg.


2 responses to “Holiday Gift Guide: Workout DVDs from Jane Fonda, Denise Austin & More”

  1. Nick Cooper Avatar

    As with most programs, it is important to manage expectations. There is no program in this world that can give you six pack abs if you extremely overweight. A general rule of thumb is that you can expect to lose 1-2 pounds of fat per week, so by using these programs that is what you should aim for. Great list btw.

  2. Darragh Hayes Avatar

    Always remember to do a proper warm up before doing a workout. Improper warmups are the cause of so many sports injuries. I’ve seen this all too often in my practice.

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