The first official trailer for The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 2 hit the interwebs today. Even with all the vampires and werewolves on the big and small screens lately, I’m STILL a fan of this series. Ok, I admit its cheese has only gotten stronger with each new installment in the franchise.
I don’t think I’m giving away any spoilers when I say that this movie brings us a baby named Renesmee (who quickly grows into a girl), a new vampire named Bella, a few cuddly wolves and some angry vampires.
My favorite parts of this trailer:
- Bella saying she was born to be a vampire.
- Edward telling her they’re the same temperature now.
- The ridiculously cheesy lines in every scene. Yes, I’ve used the word cheesy twice so far, three times if you count that one. I’m guessing there’s already a hundred parodies of this trailer in the works.
- Jacob saying, “There’s a lot of red eyes around here.”
- Fierce mama Bella running in an epic fashion to protect her child.
Thoughts on the trailer? Excited for the movie or just want it to be over?
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