The Rum Diary Poster: Absolutely Nothing in Moderation

The Rum Diary Poster with Johnny DeppGiven Johnny Depp’s ability to morph into any character he plays, I sort of think I’m looking at Hunter S. Thompson in this new poster for The Rum Diary, in theaters Oct. 28, 2011. Except Depp isn’t playing Thompson. He’s playing journalist Paul Kemp, the subject of Thompson’s debut novel. And I don’t know enough about the story to know whether Kemp is supposed to be Thompson or not.

But I do like the poster, and with all the stuff people have to keep track of these days, wouldn’t it be nice to just let loose with “absolutely nothing in moderation”? Ok, maybe for a day or so. Then I’d probably be pining for order and control.

On the other hand, Depp looks a little like his lizard character from Rango, whom I’ve heard he based on Thompson. That makes my head spin.

Here’s the plot from FilmDistrict:

Tiring of the noise and madness of New York and the crushing conventions of late Eisenhower-era America, Kemp travels to the pristine island of Puerto Rico to write for a local newspaper, The San Juan Star, run by downtrodden editor Lotterman (Richard Jenkins). Adopting the rum-soaked life of the island, Paul soon becomes obsessed with Chenault (Amber Heard), the wildly attractive Connecticut-born fiancée of Sanderson (Aaron Eckhart), a businessman involved in shady property development deals.

Sanderson is one of a growing number of American entrepreneurs determined to convert Puerto Rico into a capitalist paradise in service of the wealthy. When Kemp is recruited by Sanderson to write favorably about his latest unsavory scheme, the journalist is presented with a choice: use his words for the corrupt businessmen’s financial benefit, or use them to take the bad guys down.

Looking forward to The Rum Diary? Check out more pics and the trailer.


  1. Halley Avatar

    Of all Hollywood actors, my ultimate favorite would be Johnny Depp. I love when he played Edward Scissorhands and Capt Jack Sparrow. See, it’s like comparing two polar opposite personalities.

    1. Jane Boursaw Avatar

      I know, right? I think he can do virtually any role, and seems to be casting the net far and wide these days. Dark Shadows, The Thin Man, The Lone Ranger, possibly Dr. Seuss, more Capt. Jack and a dozen other projects… I’m starting to think there must be clones of him running around doing all these film projects. One person can’t possibly do it all!

  2. Roxanne Avatar

    The poster has a bit of a “Leaving Las Vegas” vibe to it, and that movie just made my stomach hurt … it was so sad and desperate.

    1. Jane Boursaw Avatar

      I haven’t been able to watch Leaving Las Vegas yet, Roxanne. It always sounded just as you’ve described – sad and desperate.

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