Five cool things for Friday:
1. First Image of Anne Hathaway as Catwoman. She’ll be filling out the black leather suit in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises, in theaters July 20, 2012. Here she is…
2. Brett Ratner to produce the Oscars with Don Mischer. I wonder if there will be superheroes, fast cars, explosions and rappers involved. We’ll find out on Sunday, Feb. 26, 2012 when the telecast airs from the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood.
3. Steven Soderbergh directing second unit on The Hunger Games. He’s also shooting Magic Mike, The Man from U.N.C.L.E., and Liberace before the end of next year. You go.
4. Rise of the Planet of the Apes is in theaters today. I can’t help myself. I’m just a complete sucker for a movie about apes who go bananas and the humans who have to deal with them. Will the Statue of Liberty be a featured player? I’ll report back later. It’s getting surprisingly good reviews.
5. Longshot Magazine. I don’t normally make a lot of donations, because I’m just one girl supporting my family on this gig. But the magazine industry is in such a mess that I sent off $25 to this cool project. Longshot Magazine is produced entirely in a 48-hour period and is now available online and on newstands. In two days, the team created a 68-page magazine, with art direction by ETC; developed a spectacular digital edition, complete with a groundbreaking nagwall; and launched Longshot Radio, featuring a series of fantastic podcasts about debt. Way to go, guys. Happy to be part of the project. Check it out for yourself.
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