Jon Hamm, Mad Men

Daily Hot Shot: Jon Hamm of Mad Men

Things were looking dicey there for a few days, but AMC and Lionsgate announced yesterday that ‘Mad Men‘ creator and executive producer Matthew Weiner will return for seasons five and six of the cable drama starring Jon Hamm as a tense advertising guy in the 1960s.  The deal ensures that Weiner will remain in charge of the show for at least two more seasons. If there’s a seventh, he’ll control that, too.

Jon Hamm, a.k.a. Don Draper on Mad Men
Jon Hamm, a.k.a. Don Draper on Mad Men | Lionsgate

That’s a relief, because I can’t imagine the show without his stamp on it. It’d be like ‘Bonanza’ without Little Joe or ‘Star Trek’ without Leonard Nimoy. I guess Weiner had to make a few concessions, including dropping two minutes from each episode to make room for more ads. Well, it IS a show about ads, so it sort of fits right in. I bet any extra stuff that’s filmed will show up on the DVD and blu-ray releases.

There was also some worry that a few cast members might get the axe, but Joe Flint at the Los Angeles Times is reporting there won’t be any major changes. Apparently, everyone close to the show is locked in for the next two seasons.

However, there will be a delay in season five (No! Say it ain’t so!), which won’t air until early 2012. That’s going to put a serious damper on my ‘Mad Men’ fix this year. I’ll have to watch the series from the beginning on DVD again. Until then, I’ll just light up a Lucky Strike and order a dirty martini. Ok, not really, but that’s what I’d do if I was Don Draper.





  1. A deal is done! ‘Mad Men’ will return!…

    AMC’s drama “Mad Men” has been signed on for two more seasons. Weiner signed a deal that is worth about $10 million per yearSeason five is not expected to air until March of next yearThe main cast is signed on for two more season and no more cuts ar…

    1. Jane Boursaw Avatar

      I’m pretty sure I heard ‘Mad Men’ fans around the world cheering when the deal was signed for more seasons. If only we didn’t have to wait so long for the next one!

  2. merr Avatar

    It sounds like this is the perfect time for me to get on board and watch this show. I love all the news about it and the discussions, but if you can believe it I’ve only seen 1 episode – the first one. Perhaps those of us who haven’t seen the series are about the only ones who have something to be happy about the show restarting in 2012…we have time to catch up!

    1. Jane Boursaw Avatar

      Yes! Perfect time to get caught up. And perfect time for the Mad Men veterans to re-visit the early seasons. That’s a great way to look at it.

  3. Casey Avatar

    I’ve been re-watching the S2 episodes available On Demand during my insomniac moments this past week. It’s making the wait for S5 sting JUST a little bit less.

  4. Susan Avatar

    I’m excited to hear this but also bummed that the next season won’t ait until next year. A show like that really sucks you in and waiting for the next season almost feels like waiting to be reunited with an old friend.

  5. Sheryl Avatar

    I watched just the first season of Mad Men, abandoning it when I got too busy to keep up with it. Maybe now I’ll have time to catch up in time for the re-start of the series in 2012.

  6. Alexandra Avatar

    Thanks for this update. We just watched episode 5 of season 4 on DVD. I love the creativity that is showcased in this series.

  7. Vera Marie Badertscher Avatar

    OMG–2012!! Quick get me some MadMen methadone for my fix.
    Well, okay, Jane, light up the Lucky and sip on the martini, but there IS something else that Don inevitably does–hint–it involves wrinkled sheets. Having watched all the movies of the 50s and 60s, I always thought they had no sex back then. Does that make this part of Don’s life the only inauthentic part of the show?

  8. Melanie Avatar

    I haven’t watched these yet, except for the odd snippet. They come on free-to-air TV here in NZ, but always to late for me. I’ll have to get them out on DVD. Sounds like I’ve got plenty of time.

  9. MyKidsEatSquid Avatar

    I haven’t watched it yet either. We have limited cable (and time) it seems like you hear about Mad Men everywhere though.

  10. Ruth Pennebaker Avatar

    Good news overall — in spite of the delay. I was afraid I’d have to start living without MM.

  11. […] Lawrence, whom I absolutely loved in ‘Winter’s Bone,’ January Jones from ‘Mad Men,’ and the always cerebral James McAvoy. Michael Fassbender is an up-and-coming actor whose […]

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