James Franco and Anne Hathaway to Host Oscars

Here’s an interesting development — James Franco and Anne Hathaway will co-host the 83rd Academy Awards, airing Feb. 27, 2010 on ABC at the Kodak Theater. I’m not sure what to think about this.

james-franco-anne-hathaway-oscars-2011 My first thought is that they’re both extremely talented, but I can’t really see them holding down an entire Oscars show like Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin did earlier this year, or Hugh Jackman before that.

But after letting it sink in for a few minutes, I’m ok with the choices. Both are multi-talented stars who can sing, dance and act, and neither one is hard to look at. I just hope it won’t be a bunch of lame jokes read from a telecaster, but I’m holding a good thought.

Not only that, but one or both could be nominated for a Best Actor award – Franco for his role as Aron Ralston in Danny Boyle’s ‘127 Hours’ and Hathaway for ‘Love and Other Drugs’ (check out my thoughts here). She was also nominated in 2008 for ‘Rachel Getting Married.’

Any thoughts on this? Think they’re a good choice to co-host the Oscars?

Image: WireImage.com






  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jane Boursaw, Jane Boursaw. Jane Boursaw said: James Franco and Anne Hathaway to Host #Oscars. I'm ok with it. Your thoughts? http://ow.ly/3h2sZ #wsbr #fb […]

  2. Melanie Avatar

    Hmm, I’ve nothing against these two, but I’m not sure how entertaining it will be, in the end.

  3. Roxanne Avatar

    This sounds like a disaster to me. I don’t think either has the it factor to pull off something like the Oscars.

    And, if he still has that dweezle mustache, I don’t think I could stand to look at it all night long. Ick!

  4. Rachel Avatar

    James Franco gives me a big pain. I mean, really. Actor. Writer. Scholar. I look at him and I always think he’s going to explode. I did love him in Freaks and Geeks, though.

  5. Kristin Avatar

    LOVED him in Freaks and Geeks. Loved her in Rachel’s Getting Married. Really, I’m sure they could do a fine job if the whole thing wasn’t so idiotically scripted.

  6. Merr Avatar

    I’m not usually interested in who hosts what or why, but then I come to your blog and you have a way of making this stuff fun. Now you’ve got me wondering if they can pull it off!

  7. Kerry Avatar

    I’m with you on the lame joke factor — no doubt a test of an actor’s skill and presence of mind in dealing with that sort of material. I say, why not have these two? Give them a chance and see how they do. Not every actor works as a host, but I’ve no reason, really, to think these two won’t.

  8. MyKidsEatSquid Avatar

    My guess is the change is to drive viewership, but even with bigger named actors, I’d still rather see the quick write up the next day versus watching the entire thing live.

  9. Sheryl Avatar

    I still miss Billy Crystal and want him back! Not sure about these two…but I will still watch to find out.

  10. sarah henry Avatar

    So, Jane, in your assessment how did they do? Early reviews are not too flattering, and with good reason. Many of those jokes fell flat. Franco looked decidedly uncomfortable to me while Hathaway was a tad too gushy for my taste. Both nice to look at, though.

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