Film Gecko: A TV Critic’s Desk

I thought it might be fun now and then to give you all an inside peek into my desk here at Film Gecko World Headquarters, starting today. Here’s a photo I just snapped of the ledge above my computer screen, showing a few treasured items from press kits and special edition DVD sets.


From left to right is a Tim Gunn bobblehead, sent to me in 2008 when he was doing ‘Tim Gunn’s Guide to Style.’ He took the style challenged and helped them look and feel better. Loved that show, but it only lasted eight episodes. I always thought I’d be a great candidate.

Next is an action figure of robot extraordinaire Tom Servo from ‘Mystery Science Theater 3000, Vol. XVI.’ That awesome collection includes ‘The Corpse Vanishes,’ ‘Warrior of the Lost World,’ ‘Santa Claus,’ and ‘Night of the Blood Beast.’

Next to that is a tiny coffee cup with some Sanka packs stuffed into it, celebrating the Aug. 24, 2010 release of ‘Yoo-Hoo, Mrs. Goldberg,’ a documentary about the life and times of radio and TV star Gertrude Berg from ‘The Goldbergs.’

Next is a cube paperweight from last year’s press kit for ‘Fringe.’ You can see Walter Bishop (John Noble), but on other sides of the cube are Peter Bishop (Joshua Jackson) and Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv). Can’t wait for ‘Fringe’ to come back Sept. 23, 2010.

And on the far right is a bottle of Tru Blood, from, of course, HBO’s popular favorite ‘True Blood .’ You can read more about my family’s taste test of Tru Blood here . It got mixed reviews.

The stickers and other figurines are courtesy of my kids, and the big blue guy in the back? No, he’s not from a Syfy show; it’s a piece of artwork my daughter made for me. She’ll be oh so happy that it’s now scattered across the Interwebs. And of course, that jar of coins comes in handy when there’s no other cash in the house and we’re down to eating rice and beans.

Image: Jane Boursaw


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