(Season 3, Episode 28) Sookie Stackhouse has got some high class problems on ‘True Blood,’ doesn’t she? I’ve always been onboard the Sookie-Bill train, but every time I see her with Eric, it reminds me of their smoking hot chemistry. It makes me wonder if she’d be better off with Eric than Bill.
They really had me with the scene where Eric was hovering outside Sookie’s room, and she lets him in and they start to make love.
They HAD me, because Sookie was just heartbroken enough over Bill’s horrible phone call to jump onboard the Eric train. You know – that phone call where Bill told Sookie he’d just “made love” (his words, not mine – I wouldn’t call it that!) to Lorena, and then said, “You are no longer of concern to me. Do not try to find me. I do not wish to be found.”
Well, I know MY heart was breaking for Sookie. So yeah, I think she might have hooked up with Eric if he’d actually been hovering outside her window. But no, it was all his daydream while he was watching another girl dance at Fangtasia.
Then again, Sookie’s getting closer to Alcide, too, and he seems like a really good guy/wolf. He’s not hard to look at (plus, he’s “hot” – it’s a were-thing), and Sookie’s certainly way better for him than his skanky ex Debbie Pelt.
Who would YOU like to see Sookie with? Bill, Eric, Alcide or none of the above?
Images: HBO
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