There’s a ripple of excitement across the country, because ‘Toy Story 3’ is opening in theaters today! We’ve also got ‘Jonah Hex,’ which I’ve heard not-so-good things about, but I still think the trailer looks awesome. Here’s the rundown:
‘Toy Story 3’ – Woody, Buzz and the rest of their toy-box friends are dumped at a daycare center after their owner, Andy, leaves for college. Rated G. 103 minutes. Voices include Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Joan Cusack, Don Rickles, and John Ratzenberger. I’m really looking forward to the appearance of Ken, voiced by Michael Keaton.
More after the jump, including the ‘Jonah Hex’ trailer.
‘Jonah Hex’ – The magnificent Josh Brolin plays the DC Comics bounty hunter with warrants on his own head. The U.S. military makes him an offer he can’t refuse – in exchange for his freedom, he has to stop a terrorist who’s ready to unleash Hell on Earth. That face is hard to look at, and I agree with Jeremy Jahns that Megan Fox looks useless. Still, the trailer is awesome. Especially love seeing Lance Reddick from ‘Fringe’ and ‘The Wire.’ Rated PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and action, disturbing images and sexual content. 80 minutes (yes, 80!).
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