Have We Gotten Better at Green Living? Watch the Trailer for Submission, a New Documentary about Chemicals

submission-film-chemicals Have we gotten any better at green living in the past decade or two? I think the jury’s still out on that, and sometimes I wonder if we’ve actually gotten worse.

My friend Alexandra Grabbe runs a bed & breakfast on Cape Cod, but is a warrior when it comes to environmental toxins and green living. She posted a note on her blog, Wellfleet Today, about a new documentary titled ‘Submission’ by Swedish filmmaker Stefan Jarl.

In Jarl’s own words, the film is “a documentary about the chemical society the society we have been building since the Second World War. Back then, humans used 1 million tonnes of chemicals per year; the figure today is 500 million tonnes. The chemical industry is the fastest-growing industry in the world. The film is about the 100,000 chemicals we use every day, what they’re used for and what they do to us and our health.”

More after the jump, including the film’s trailer and 11 eco-blogs…

It’s the kind of thing most people don’t think about every day (or it would probably drive us mad). I grew up on a cherry farm, and chemicals were part of our lives. Thankfully, farmers are much more selective about what and when they spray, and the chemicals are less intrusive to the environment today. Check out the trailer for ‘Submission’ below.

Think we’re a chemical-based society? Or are we getting better at green living?

Eleven eco-blogs to check out:

Image: YouTube


12 responses to “Have We Gotten Better at Green Living? Watch the Trailer for Submission, a New Documentary about Chemicals”

  1. Suzanne Holt Avatar

    The more movies like this one and Food Inc that come out are really going to knock the phobias into people….lol. Or maybe just me? It is so scary and I am very happy to know that there are more and more ways evolving daily to provide healthier lifestyle choices.
    Yes, now there may more & more chemicals produced (Have you seen the size of a chicken breast lately?!?), but I think we will see some major changes over the next decade with the momentum of the green movement.

    Radically reducing the use of chemicals in personal care and cleaning.

  2. sheryl Avatar

    I think in some ways we’ve become much more aware, but unfortunately we are probably falling behind the fast pace of the destruction caused by these chemicals over the years. Scary.

  3. MarthaAndMe Avatar

    It is truly scary. For that reason alone I don’t know if I can watch the movie!

  4. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Roxanne Hawn, Save Your Green. Save Your Green said: Have We Gotten Better at Green Living? Watch the Trailer for …: Have we gotten any better at green living in the… http://bit.ly/9kK8N6 […]

  5. Christine Avatar

    I don’t know. I don’t know if we’re getting better. What frightens me is how little regulation there is in this country. There are undoubtedly chemicals out there that we don’t yet know the effects of, silently doing their damage.

  6. Merr Avatar

    The Wellfleet blog does a great job of bringing issues like these to the forefront … and this movie sounds important and quite frightening at once. Glad you’ve highlighted it here.

  7. Wade Werner Avatar

    Perhaps we need to be scared in order to act on information this film and post shares. I mean 500 times more chemicals produced since 1945? And what is the percentage of chemicals entering our bodies since then? More individuals need to be awakened and it’s efforts like the Wellfleet blog and the film Submission that we need more of.

  8. Melanie Haiken Avatar

    Wow, great list of eco-blogs that I need to check out; I still find the blogosphere hard to navigate with search to find the kinds of stuff I want to read. Thanks, Jane, for a great list!

  9. […] the complete article: Have We Gotten Better at Green Living? Watch the Trailer for … Bookmark […]

  10. Alisa Bowman Avatar

    I’ve been trying to be more conscious about every little choice I make–what foods to eat, what to buy and not buy, whether I really need to use the car for a trip and so forth. It’s up to us consumers to change the world by consuming less and consuming differently. Big companies have just proven that they have no souls.

  11. Stephanie - Wasabimon Avatar

    I do believe we’re getting better, but not good enough to catch up with our country’s failing health. There are so many things out there hurting us, and we’re slow on saying what we won’t accept in our homes/lives.

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