I know the title says ‘Casting News,’ but really, it should say, ‘There’s really no news, but here’s where you can find news when it’s available.’ But that’s way too long for a title.
Anyway, Lana Veenker sent me an email saying they continue to be inundated with messages, emails and tweets about who’s directing ‘Breaking Dawn,’ who’s casting it, where it’s shooting, and when auditions are taking place. From their email:
“For the time being, we have nothing to do with ‘Breaking Dawn,’ and there’s no guarantee that we ever will. It all depends on when and where it shoots and who is hired to cast and direct. None of this is in our hands, unfortunately, and we cannot reply to everyone who asks one by one.”
After the jump, the best way to stay informed about any ‘Twilight Saga’ news…
- Twihard Mailing List: Send a blank email to twihard@aweber.com. If you’re already receiving the Tools 4 Actors Newsletter directly, you’re already subscribed to the Twihard list.
- Twitter: Follow them at http://twitter.com/lanaveenker
- The Casting Scoop: Check their blog regularly or subscribe to the RSS feed.
- Facebook: http://facebook.com/lanaveenkercasting
- MySpace: http://myspace.com/lanaveenkercasting
And feel free to use this blog post as a place to share information and tips about ‘Breaking Dawn’ casting. Anyone have any news or info to share? Leave notes in the comments below.
Image: Summit Entertainment
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